Renate Klein


Dr Renate Klein is a long-term women's health researcher and has written extensively on reproductive technologies and feminist theory over the last thirty years. A biologist and social scientist, she was Associate Professor in Women's Studies at Deakin University in Melbourne. She is a co-founder of FINRRAGE (Feminist International Network of Resistance to Reproductive and Genetic Engineering) and an original signatory to Stop Surrogacy Now.

Older Titles


Translations & Rights Sales

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Radically Speaking edited by Diane Bell and Renate Klein

Selections in Complex Chinese: Fembooks;

UK: Zed Books


Australia for Women edited by Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein

German: Australien der Frauen, Frauenoffensive.

Commissioned by Frauenoffensive in 1989. They were released almost simultaneously and also published by The Feminist Press USA.

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RU 486 by Renate Klein, Janice Raymond and Lynette Dumble: Bangladesh: Narigrantha Prabartana; USA: Institute on Women and Technology; German: Die Abtreibungspille RU486: Wundermittel oder Gefahr: Konkret Literatur Verlag.

Second Aust edition 2013

Co-edition rights donated to Narigrantha Prabartana, Bangladesh